Where you lead, Lord, I will follow. As most of you know, He currently has me in Padova, Italy. I am on a MAPS missions assignment through Assemblies of God World Missions. Here are some reflections of my experiences here in Padova. Thank you, my dear friends and family, for your prayers and support. All praise, honor, and glory are to Your name, Lord. I am forever grateful for Your grace and love.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

ICF Children's Church CHRISTmas program!

I've been trying all week to get our program uploaded, but unfortunately it hasn't worked on photobucket or YouTube. I had hoped to get it on one of those programs, so those without a Facebook account could easily view it, but no success  :(
Here is the Facebook link, so you can see it there:
Part 1

Part 2

Moving on to exactly how the program went...!!! 
Because of the snow here in Padova, some of our children and their families weren't able to make it to church Sunday morning...which meant less voices to sing and one
main speaking part missing. We were sad that some of our kids who had been practicing with us weren't able to perform with us. Sunday was the first day we actually went through the program in the "sanctuary" so there were details that we didn't have completely worked out...like deciding to ditch the microphone after the first speaking scene. We also decided to run the background speaking track because one of our shepherds who had lines was gone and a couple of the kids didn't have their lines memorized. They said the lines they did know along with the CD. A couple of our kids had really been practicing and even helped the others practice right before the program started! It's hard when a number of children don't come every Sunday. For having so much to learn and not very much time to practice all together, all of the kids did GREAT!!! I had several parents tell me afterwards how much their children enjoyed this program, and that they were singing the songs at home.

And the best part? The beautiful girl who was one of our shepherds (in the picture above, she's at the end of the line in the bright turquoise outfit) asked Jesus to be her Lord & Savior after Pastor Steve's sermon. During part of his teaching, he talked about gifts...that the best gift that has ever been given or that can ever be received is the gift of salvation. The Father gave His only Son so that we might be saved. The gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus. How glorious for her to accept His gift.
What better way to celebrate CHRISTmas? After all, it's all about Him.
Thanks to all of you who were praying for our kids and our program!

"To God, alone wise, be glory through Jesus Christ forever!"
Romans 16:27

Friday, December 17, 2010

Let It Snow!

The snow arrived in Padova today! After finishing the after-school program this evening, I went for a little stroll...and took a few photos. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

See everyone with their umbrellas?! Useful for more than just rain! :)

Auguri--"Greetings" or "Best Wishes"

Not only is it looking like Christmas, it's been smelling like it too! This week, Patti and I made gingerbread cookies with our after-school kids...yum!!! :)

Blessings to you, one and all!

Arrivederci Joel & Melody!

It seems like I'm doing good if I get a post on here a week or two after something happens! So keeping in line with that, the weekend of December 4th and 5th was a busy one! Full of changes...God changing people's lives at an Encounter retreat, and life here in Padova changing as Joel & Melody returned to America. Saturday started very early as we headed to the hostel in Monselice to get everything set up before people started arriving. The retreat started at 9 AM. Patti, Melody & I had been busy earlier in the week preparing three meals to take to the hostel for lunches and dinner throughout the weekend. Saturday and Sunday were full of teaching and breakout sessions, worship, and prayer. We had powerful reminders of the Cross, who we are in Christ, how important it is to obey His word, healing and restoration. God did some great work in the lives of everyone there! The retreat ended Sunday evening. We then headed to Steve & Patti's to enjoy one last evening with Joel and Melody. We had dinner together, played games, and enjoyed some great fellowship.
I miss them!! It was such a joy to get to know them, and serve together here in Italy. We are amazed that although we lived so close to each other in the States, we met in Padova, Italy!
Outside the villa

With their sweet potato casserole to take to the Thanksgiving dinner

I love this pic of them in Verona

Here we are in Venice

At my birthday/their & Maira's going away lunch with Steve & Patti

Melody & I with our after-school program kids

We had an Arrivederci party for them at the church...during which we also decorated for Christmas.
Joel & Vana hanging lights

Casey, looking very ornery with the cookies Vana and I made for the party

Melody getting some love from her girl, Lala

Daniel with the Christmas tree!

Smile, Isabella!

Lovely & Diane

Vana & Melody

Tre amiche

And suddenly Vana is taller than us! :)

Mel with Nicoletta

With Xhuli, our friend and Italian teacher!

Sporting our boots :)

The lovely couple

Miss you guys!! I look forward to seeing what God does in your lives!
You are in my prayers!

"Great is Your faithfulness.
'The LORD is my portion,' says my soul,
'Therefore I hope in Him!'"
Lamentations 3: 23-24

Monday, December 13, 2010

Sing, sing, sing!

One of my responsibilites here has been the kids' Christmas programs. We have been  working on one program with our after-school kids and another for the ICF children's church. Most of you who know me well know how much I love to sing and how much I love kids, so you can imagine how much I have enjoyed this! :)

This past Sunday, we had the first one with the after-school program kids. Although we were missing quite a few of our children, those who were here did such a great job!

I tried uploading the video to my blog here, but for some reason it wouldn't let me. So I'll try to provide a link to the video on my facebook.

Unfortunately it looks like you have to be a facebook member and log in before you can see the video. I don't know why it won't upload onto my blog!
[Dec. 19th--I just uploaded this video to photobucket so hopefully even if you don't have facebook, you can view the video by clicking on the link below!]

We missed having Maira, Melody & Joel there for the program, as they worked with the kids and helped prepare for the program too.

The kids did a great job practicing their songs and Bible verses, and making their drums for "Little Drummer Boy."
Praising the Lord for a great program!
Tune in next week for "Shepherds, Sheep, & A Savior" performed by ICF Padova's children's church. :)
It's a much longer and more detailed program, so please pray it goes smoothly...and that our kids are healthy, so they can come! Learning the songs and lines has been kind of difficult for some of them, as English isn't their first language. When you don't know how to read English or you go to an Italian school where everything is done in Italian, it makes it more challenging. But they've done great!

'Tis the Season

Christmas will soon be here! On Monday, December 6th, I was blessed to be invited on another Denton family outing. This time we headed off to Bolzano, Italy which is way up north in the mountains. It's actually in the part of Italy that used to be Austria, so it still has a considerable amount of German influence. Along with this comes some very neat Christmas markets during this time of year! They have all kinds of little booths set up selling different types of foods, drinks, and Christmas goods...everything from ornaments and candles to gloves and hats...

The Denton family in front of a neat wooden nativity there in Bolzano

Another American girl who is attending the university here in Padova went along with us. She is from California, so she hadn't really experienced snow like she did this particular day. She was so excited! :) During our trip there, we stopped at a gas station and she got out and was taking pictures and recording the snow.

Her name is Jenna, and it was really great to get to know her better!

Jenna and I with Isabella, Ariana, and Nicoletta

Warming up and enjoying some hot chocolate...

and then enjoying the best apple streudel I've ever tasted!

After the Christmas market, we stopped by Thuniversum, a huge ceramics store and museum. Apparently, these ceramics are very well-known and Bolzano is where this company started.

What a wonderful day! I feel so blessed that I was invited to join the Denton's on another family outing. It was so great to spend more time with them, and with Jenna. Praise the Lord for His provision and the many blessings He pours out to us.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Mountain Outing

Among many of my blessings here in Italy has been the Denton family. From the day I arrived, they have included me, checked on me, and helped me transition. Two months later, the story hasn't changed! Especially with Maira leaving, they wanted to make sure I didn't "sit at home alone all the time." So they have included me on their family outings these past two weekends. 
The Saturday after Thanksgiving I went with them to Rovereto, where we saw a World War I memorial for 20,000 soldiers and played in the snow. For her birthday, their middle daughter, Isabella, had asked to go to the mountains. So off we went!
A trail that Amy saw online to see dinosaur tracks...as you can see with the snow, we didn't see much of anything.

It was beautiful though...and good exercise!

The girls enjoyed making snow balls...

and snow angels!

Here is the WWI Memorial...

There were numerous hallways like this one with thousands of names

Kurtis was showing me the fossils in the marble floor
There was an old fortified trench at the base of the memorial

After exploring Rovereto, we headed back to their house. They invited me to stay for dinner. This whole time they also had a friend visiting them and staying with them for the weekend. They were so thoughtful to include me!

 The evening finished and one would think I was in America instead of Padova, Italy. We roasted marshmallows in their fireplace and made S'mores! I was thrilled!

Their eldest, Ariana, and I with our marshmallows
Marshmallows are hard to come by here in Italy, so I counted myself very blessed!

 Amy, and the girls

As if the evening could get any more American, it did! The Dentons are from Arkansas and so is their friend who was visiting them. They happened to get a sport channel that was airing the Arkansas Razorback football game. I could hardly believe it...there I was in Padova, Italy eating a S'more and watching the Hogs. (I know my family members in Arkansas will just love this!) :) 

Thank you Lord for the Denton's! May you bless them abundantly...they have been such a blessing to me!