Where you lead, Lord, I will follow. As most of you know, He currently has me in Padova, Italy. I am on a MAPS missions assignment through Assemblies of God World Missions. Here are some reflections of my experiences here in Padova. Thank you, my dear friends and family, for your prayers and support. All praise, honor, and glory are to Your name, Lord. I am forever grateful for Your grace and love.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Just in case you were wondering...

Yes, the after-school program has started! I just don't have pictures to post yet. I'm working on it! It's going well. So far we've had about 12 kids. We have snack, group storytime, then break into different classes and go over a Bible story and memory verse each week, and work on phonics, reading, A Beka curriculum, etc...We also pray together and have a time of praise, where the kids get to dance to Hillsong kids videos. They get so excited, and do such a great job remembering all of the actions to the songs.
I'll post more later about this later...and children's church, because I've started helping with that too.

1 comment:

  1. I miss you, Sarah! Your blog is a great way to visit! Love it! I will be writing you very soon! Love you so much! Cheri
